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AWS azure-devops

In this scenario, the customer is using Azure DevOps for source control and continuous delivery and use EKS to deliver services. We also have support for GitHub.

The main difference from an Azure DevOps point of view is that we use the AWS service connection. First you need to install the addon to Azure DevOps using the Azure marketplace, you can find more information how here.

We will use two users when talking to AWS, one for our Terraform pipelines and one for our GitOps flow where we use Elastic Container Registry (ECR) to store the container images.


All this is possible to solve using Terraform but we currently do not have any terraform module to handle it so for now you can read about the manual steps.

  • Create an IAM user
    • Tip: put both these users under a specific path, for example CI
    • Save the access key in a safe place
  • Attach IAM policy
    • AmazonEKSClusterPolicy
    • AdministratorAccess

GitOps user​

In our GitOps pipelines using Flux we need to be able to push and delete images in ECR. So very similar to how we created the Terraform user:

  • Create an IAM user
    • Tip: put both these users under a specific path, for example CI
    • Save the credentials in a safe place
  • Attach IAM policy
    • AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess