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CVE Information

This page is a way for us to inform about CVE:s that we see in the wild and have given extra attention to.

This list is not complete but we try to keep it up to date around CVE:s that are relevant to XKS and its usage. We hope that it can be a help for you.


OpenSSL CVE-2022-3602/CVE-2022-3786 Spooky SSL​


Limited impact due to openssl 3 not being broadly used in the ecosystem.

No impact on our kubernetes nodes

We recommend developers to verify if their container images or application runtimes are effected. To get a quick overview of impacted system you can start to look at

EKS specific information.

AKS specific information.


CVE-2022-3294 Node address isn't always verified when proxying​


Not a problem in AKS clusters due to the usage of Konnectivity.

XKS users can't modify node objects so it shouldn't be a problem in EKS ether.

CVE-2022-3162 Unauthorized read of Custom Resources​


Developers do not have cluster wide read access on any CRD in XKS. Due to this the CVE isn't an issue.